Family Owned Boutique Studio since 2002.
Hello there, My name is Joe Kuan and I am the creative director of Joie Elie Photography & Cinematography. At the beginning of 2012, my wife- Vickie and I made a major decision to re-brand our company name from VIG Designers LLC to Joie Elie photography, named after two of our beloved daughters Joie and Elie. At the 10th anniversary of our wonderful marriage, my vision is that Joie Elie Photography is a boutique studio owned and operated by the family with a personal touch and always keeps the best interests of the next generation in mind (after all, we only have one earth). In order to provide you with the best visual service, we continue to train and team up with commemorative and award-winning visual artists who are highly skilled in photography and cinematography productions. If you know any young and emerging photographers who are looking forward to joining an amazing team, we would really appreciate that you refer them our way by using our web contact form, thank you in advance!

[Something about me, in case you are curious…]
I received my master of fine art degree in media studies from Syracuse University and worked in the most demanding Silicon Alley (the advertising district in downtown Manhattan) right after graduation in 1999. In 2011, 911 happened and that forever changed my life path and career track.  My ex. boss died in the office at the young age of 37 due to heart attack and the studio that I worked for went out of business.  In order to continue my design career, 
my wife and I founded VIG Designers LLC in February 2002 to provide commercial photography, graphic design, and multimedia production service to business and educational institutes. One day, a business client asked me if I can photograph his wedding after seeing the photos I took for the project. That particular wedding brought us more than ten referrals and the rest was history.  It’s how I started my journey in the wedding industry.  Combining strong academic training with hands-on experience in commercial production, we are committed to serving you with our years of experience, honesty and integrity. It is our expertise to transform your day into a heartfelt, handsomely made a visual presentation.

Our five-star photography and cinematography service is unique and personal. If you like what you see on our website, we would love to meet with you and show you more. You’ll find a friendly zero-pressure atmosphere where we chat about your wedding, view the most trendy albums, and watch high definition movies!  

We firmly believe that all human desire is unfailing love. It is amazing. Just simply by seeing a picture or a video clip of someone, your brain instantly makes the connection to the most memorable things about them. Life goes on unscripted. As your family historians, we look forward to being part of every major milestone in life and immortalizing your best memories in time.